Overview: My Services

Overview: My Services

Did you know DDD isn't just a blog? Check out this short video to see an overview of my data analytics consulting services. https://player.vimeo.com/video/453728165
I Googled Myself (Part 2)

I Googled Myself (Part 2)

In my last post, I set up an A/B test through Google Optimize and learned Google Tag Manager (GTM), Google Analytics (GA) and Google Data Studio (GDS) along the way.…
I Googled Myself

I Googled Myself

As a huge enthusiast of A/B testing, I have been wanting to learn how to run A/B tests through Google Optimize for some time. However, it's hard to do this…
Front Page Clues

Front Page Clues

When election season rolls around, do newspapers prefer to cover the political horserace—or the real issues?