I Googled Myself

I Googled Myself

As a huge enthusiast of A/B testing, I have been wanting to learn how to run A/B tests through Google Optimize for some time. However, it’s hard to do this without being familiar with all the different parts of the Google product eco-system. So I decided it was time to take the plunge and finally Google myself. This post will cover my adventures with several products in the Google product suite including: Google Analytics (GA), Google Tag Manager (GTM), Google Optimize (GO), and Google Data Studio (GDS).

Of course, in order to do A/B testing, you have to have A) something to test, and B) sufficient traffic to drive significant results. Early on I counted out trying to A/B test this blog—not because I don’t have sufficient traffic—I got tons of it, believe me . . . (said in my best Trump voice). The main reason I didn’t try do it with my blog is that I don’t host it, WordPress does, so I can’t easily access or manipulate the source code to implement an A/B test. It’s much easier if I host the website myself (which I can do locally using MAMP).

But how do I send traffic to a website I’m hosting locally? By simulating it, of course. Using a nifty python library called Selenium, I can be as popular as I want! I can also simulate any kind of behavior I want, and that gives me maximum control. Since I can set the expected outcomes ahead of time, I can more easily troubleshoot/debug whenever the results don’t square with expectations.

My Mini “Conversion Funnel”

When it came to designing my first A/B test, I wanted to keep things relatively simple while still mimicking the general flow of an e-commerce conversion funnel. I designed a basic website with two different landing page variants—one with a green button and one with a red button. I arbitrarily decided that users would be 80% likely to click on the button when it’s green and 95% likely to click on the button when it’s red (these conversion rates are unrealistically high, I know). Users who didn’t click on the button would bounce, while those who did would advance to the “Purchase Page”.


To make things a little more complicated, I decided to have 20% of ‘green’ users bounce after reaching the purchase page. The main reason for this was to test out GA’s funnel visualizations to see if they would faithfully reproduce the graphic above (they did). After the purchase page, users would reach a final “Thank You” page with a button to claim their gift. There would be no further attrition at this point; all users who arrived on this page would click the “Claim Your Gift” button. This final action was the conversion (or ‘Goal’ in GA-speak) that I set as the objective for the A/B test.

Google Analytics

With GA, I jumped straight into the deep end, adding gtag.js snippets to all the pages of my site. Then I implemented a few custom events and dimensions via javascript. In retrospect, I would have done the courses offered by Google first (Google Analytics for Beginners & Advanced Google Analytics) . These courses give you a really good lay of the land of what GA is capable of, and it’s really impressive. If you have a website, I don’t see how you can get away with not having it plugged into GA.

In terms of features, the real time event tracking is a fantastic resource for debugging GA implementations. However, the one feature I wasn’t expecting GA to have was the benchmarking feature. It allows you to compare the traffic on your site with websites in similar verticals. This is really great because even if you’re totally out of ideas on what to analyze (which you shouldn’t be given the rest of the features in GA), you can use the benchmarking feature as a starting point for figuring out the weak points in your site.

The other great thing about the two courses I mentioned is that they’re free, and at the end you can take the GA Individual Qualification exam to certify your knowledge about GA (which I did). If you’re gonna put it the time to learn the platform, it’s nice to have a little endorsement at the end.

Google Tag Manager

After implementing everything in gtag.js, I did it all again using GTM. I can definitely see the appeal of GTM as a way to deploy GA; it abstracts away all of that messy javascript and replaces it with a clean user interface and a handy debug tool. The one drawback of GTM seems that it doesn’t send events to GA quite as well as gtag.js. Specifically, in my GA reports for the ‘red button` variant of my A/B test, I saw more conversions for the “Claim Your Gift” button than conversions for the initial click to get off the landing page. Given the attrition rates I defined, that’s impossible. I tried to configure the tag to wait until the event was sent to GA before the next page was loaded, but there still seemed to be some data meant to be sent to GA that got lost in the mix.

Google Optimize

Before trying out GO, I implemented my little A/B test through Google’s legacy system, Content Experiments. I can definitely see why GO is the way of the future. There’s a nifty tool that lets you edit visual DOM elements right in the browser while you’re defining your variants. In Content Experiments, you have to either provide two separate A or B pages or implement the expected changes on your end. It’s a nice thing to not have to worry about, especially if you’re not a pro front-end developer.

Also, it’s clear that GO has more powerful decision features. For one thing, it has Bayesian decision logic which is more comprehensible for business stakeholders and is gaining steam in online a/b testing. Also, it has the ability to do multivariate testing, which is a great addition, though I don’t use that functionality for this test.

The one thing that was a bit irritating with GO was setting it up to run on localhost. It took a few hours of yak shaving to get the different variants to actually show up on my computer. It boiled down to 1) editing my etc/hosts file with an extra line in accordance with this post on the Google Advertiser Community forum and 2) making sure the Selenium driver navigated to localhost.domain instead of just localhost.

Google Data Studio

Nothing is worth doing unless you can make a dashboard at the end of it, right? While GA has some amazing report power generating capabilities, it can feel somewhat rigid in terms of customizability. GDS is a relatively new program that gives you way more options to visualize the data sitting in GA. But while GDS has an advantage over GA, it does have some frustrating limitations which I hope they resolve soon. In particular, I hope they’ll let you show percent differences between two score cards soon. As someone who’s done a lot of  A/B test reports, I know that the thing stakeholders are most interested in seeing is the % difference, or lift, caused by one variant versus another.

Here is a screenshot of the ultimate dashboard (or a link it you want to see it live):


The dashboard was also a good way to do a quick check to make sure everything in the test was working as expected. For example, the expected conversion rate for the “Claim Your Gift” button was 64% versus 95%, and we see more or less those numbers in the first bar chart on the left. The conditional conversion rate (the conversion rate of users conditioned on clicking off the landing page) is also close to what was expected: 80% vs. 100%

Notes about Selenium

So I really like Selenium, and after this project I have a little personal library to do automated tests in the future that I can apply to any website, not just this little dinky one I ran locally on my machine.

When you’re writing code dealing with Selenium, one thing I’ve realized is that it’s important to write highly fault tolerant code. Things that depend on the internet imply many things that can go wrong—the wifi in the cafe you’re in might go down. Resources might randomly fail to load. So many different things that can go wrong… But if you’ve written fault-tolerant code, hitting one of these snags won’t cause your program to stop running.

Along with fault-tolerant code, it’s a good idea to write good logs. When stuff does go wrong, this helps you figure out what it was. In this particular case, logs also served as a good source of ground truth to compare against the numbers I was seeing in GA.

The End! (for now…)

I think I’ll be back soon with another post about AdWords and Advanced E-Commerce in GA…



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